portal of Architectural Image-Based-Modeling

This section contains links towards resources (books, papers, websites, software)
Cette section contient liens vers des ressources (livres, articles, sites Internet, logiciels)

Questa sezione contiene dei link verso delle risorse (libri, articoli, siti Internet, programmi)



Web Sites

Proceedings of the ISPRS Working Group V/4 Workshop

3D-ARCH "Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures"

        Trento, Italy, 25-28 February 2009 >>

        ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 12-13 July 2007 >>

        Mestre-Venice, Italy, 22-24 August, 2005 >>

Olivier Faugeras
Three-Dimensional Computer Vision

The MIT Press, 1993

Olivier Faugeras and Quang-Tuan Luong
The Geometry of Multiple Images
The Laws That Govern the Formation of Multiple Images of a Scene and Some of Their Applications

The MIT Press, 2001

Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision

Cambridge University Press, 2004

Autodesk Imagemodeler

Create photorealistic 3D objects from photographs, including accurate 3D measurements

Autodesk Stitcher

Assemble your digital photos to create panoramas and virtual tours, up to full spheres, in just a few clicks

Portal of Architectural Image-Based-Modeling. Copyright 2009 UMR CNRS/MCC 694 MAP-Gamsau

Eos Systems Photomodeler

Accurate and affordable 3D photogrammetry

ShapeQuest ShapeCapture

Accurate 3D Modeling


Create high quality panoramic images

Fryer, J., Mitchell, H., Chandler , J.
Applications of 3D Measurement from Images

Whittles Publishing, 2007

Livio De Luca
La photomodélisation architecturale
Relevé, modélisation et représentation d’édifices à partir de photographies

Editions Eyrolles, 2009

3D Monuments

Programme national de numérisation 3D du patrimoine

Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication français

Livio De Luca
La fotomodellazione architettonica
Rilievo, modellazione, rappresentazione di edifici a partire da fotografie

Dario Flaccovio Editore