T e m p u s
Visual browsing system for consulting time changes of buildings
Various aspects condition the analysis and the interpretation of cultural heritage. In fact, historical sites can have a rich and complex history, sometimes full of changes, sometimes only partially known by means of documentary sources. NUBES tempus is a tool for structuring and organizing building entities according to their transformation in time.
This interface integrates to Nubes Visum architecture a visualization tool for edifice temporal evolutions through historical graphs. The web application is based on an architecture divided into three parts:
• real-time geometry manipulation: a 3D scene developed in Virtools DEV allows downloading, displaying and manipulating different restitutions;
• building transformation visualization: a SVG interface allows reading historical transformations by means of serverside dynamic graphs generated with PHP on MySQL;
• online consultation: a PHP page allows the user to select projects, temporal states, assumptions, and display data.
Data is organized in a relational base developed in MySQL, containing information regarding geometric entities (spatial and temporal information, certainty degree, assumption).
Functionalities currently implemented in this comprehension aid tool are:
• accessing and manipulating space-time 3D-models in space
• displaying temporal changes and assumptions through colour coding
• comparing temporal states by means of colour coding selected by the user
• displaying dynamic history graphs as tool to view evolutions at different scales (spatial and temporal), to retain transformation history, to interact with geometry.
Screen captures
ENS d’Architecture de Marseille - 184, Avenue de Luminy
13288 Marseille Cedex 09 - Tél. +33 (0)491827170
e-mail: map(at)map.archi.fr