An integrated platform for describing, analysing, documenting and sharing digital representations of heritage buildings


The NUBES project focus on the definition of an informative system on an architectural scale which exploits the relations between the 3D representation of the building (shape, dimensions, state of conservation, hypothetical restitution of its transformations in time) and heterogeneous information coming from the various fields (technical, documentary, historical). The described platform aims at organizing multiple representations

(and associated information) around a model of semantic description with the aim of defining a system for the multi-field observation of historic buildings.

Project Presentation >>

Case studies >>

The studied principles are implemented in several tools :

3D reconstruction tool based on laser scanning and image-based-modeling

Web information system at architectural scale

Visual browsing system for consulting time changes of buildings

Visual browsing system for spatial referencing and retrieval of inconography

The NUBES platform is developed in the framework of the 3D-Monuments program with the support of the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) and the French Ministry of Cultulre.


ENS d’Architecture de Marseille - 184, Avenue de Luminy 

13288 Marseille Cedex 09  - Tél. +33 (0)491827170 

e-mail: map(at)