GDR 3359 MoDyS > UMR 3495 MAP >

Modelling and visualising spatial dynamics :

Reasoning on long time spans and uncertainty

Results, downloads

Didactic material

Didactic material and outcomes of the interactive tutorials / practical classes will be published for further use on the event’s web site and will contribute to a Wiki dedicated to its research issues.


Participants are invited to present their own research & interests in a short introduction session.
< Posters template (12Mb)
Participants and lecturers may optionally propose a paper for publication on the event’s associated online journal.

< Post-event publication template
Abstracts of the contributions of lecturers and participants are available here :

More on lectures posters and workshops

Practical classes : scenarios (FR)

< Terminology interactive sessions
< References interactive sessions
< ateliers cas concret
< atelier cas concret 1
< atelier cas concret 2
< atelier cas concret 3
< atelier cas concret 4
Raw results

Practical classes : ressources and data sheets

< lexicon (FR/EN)
< Compilation of events (EN)
< Fiches ressource en eau (FR)
< Fiches ensemble épiscopal (FR)
< Fiches épidémies (FR)
< Fiches occupations (FR)
< Fiches occupations (FR)

Other downloads

< full description
< short programme
< A4 poster

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