portal of Architectural Image-Based-Modeling

This section contains some contributions related to case studies, methodology and research.
Cette section contient des contributions relatives aux cas d’études, à la méthodologie et à la recherche.

Questa sezione contiene contributi relativi a casi di studio, metodologia e ricerca.

Livio De Luca
Photomodélisation par primitives architecturales

Application au Capitole de Dougga, Tunisie


Portal of Architectural Image-Based-Modeling. Copyright 2009 UMR CNRS/MCC 694 MAP-Gamsau

David Lo Buglio
Des archives 2D au modèle 3D

Problématiques et applications au site du Grand-Hornu, Belgique


Daniele Rossi, Elena ippoliti, Mariateresa Cusanno
Fotomodellazione e Sistemi Informativi Geografici

Applicazione allo studio del centro storico di Ascoli Piceno


Matthieu Deveau
Image recording from aerial vectors

Complementing terrestrial data recordings


F. Remondino, S. El-Hakim, S. Girardi, A. Rizzi, S. Benedetti, L. Gonzo

The “3D-ARCH” Project

3D virtual reconstruction and visualization of complex architectures


Francesca De Domenico
De l’acquisition des données spatiales à la représentation architecturale

Le cas des vestiges du théâtre antique d’Arles


Chiara Stefani

Between the scale model and the digital model

An hybrid approach for architectural design


Andrea Fiorini

Esperienze di fotomodellazione e

stereofotogrammetria archeologica


Laura Pecchioli, Fawzi Mohamed, Marcello Carrozzino

ISEE: accessing information navigating in a 3D virtual environment

The case study of the crypt in St. Servatius in Quedlinburg, Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)


Livio De Luca

Architectural Image-Based surveying, modeling and representation

Methodological reflections and research tracks


F. Lynam

ARCRANGE AND ARCSEER: Presenting a New Approach to Archaeological Data Management and Representation

Young Author Award - 3D-ARCH International Workshop, 2-5 March 2011, Trento, Italy

Alexandra Teodor, E. S. Teodor, M. S. Florea, M. A. Popescu

Noviodunum Roman Fortress. A Survey on a City Wall Section

Young Author Award - 3D-ARCH International Workshop, 2-5 March 2011, Trento, Italy

Valentina Forcella, Luigi Mussio

Reconstructing CCTV, Beijing

Young Author Award - 3D-ARCH International Workshop, 2-5 March 2011, Trento, Italy




Marco Filippucci

Drawing and surveying with pixels

Photomodelling with free softwares for an architectural survey
